To know yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

To know yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

“Only the doer learns.”

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Have a clear direction in life
Quotes Ana Botelho Quotes Ana Botelho

Have a clear direction in life

Have a clear vision of your goals and objectives: It is important to have a clear destination in mind before we start working towards it. If we do not know where we are going, we are more likely to get lost or distracted along the way.

And remember that not all activity is productive. Just because you are busy does not mean that you are making progress towards your goals.

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To find answers: ask the right questions to the right domain
Noos Ana Botelho Noos Ana Botelho

To find answers: ask the right questions to the right domain

We live in a complex, multidimensional world… and we want to understand it in order to be able to navigate it.

But there is a tremendous confusion of ideas, theories, and concepts... the debate and discussion seem to have no solution.

In this article, I propose an approach to separate the different domains of attitudes or beliefs that we, as human beings, have about the world.

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How does epigenetics work?
Bio Ana Botelho Bio Ana Botelho

How does epigenetics work?

We are not determined by our genes. The genetic information contained in our cells is consistent, but the expression of our genes is dynamic and flexible.

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Neuroplasticity explained: Quick & Easy
Bio Ana Botelho Bio Ana Botelho

Neuroplasticity explained: Quick & Easy

Think of your brain as a network of communication highways.

It spent all these years building neural pathways.

Skills, habits, memories, thought patterns,…

Our brain is efficient. If something was repeated, it became automatic.

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